Welcome to AI4Networks Research Center
Our research at The Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Networks Research Center at the University of Oklahoma is focused on following two themes:
- Data and machine learning driven analysis for designing, optimizing and introducing intelligence in complex, networked and dynamic systems such as mobile networks (5G, 6G), IoT, smart grids, UAV based autonomous systems and self-organizing networks (SON).
- Leveraging AI and Big Data for revolutionizing healthcare.
Over the years our research on above two themes have been funded by numerous grants from federal and international funding agencies as well as private sector totaling over $4 million. Our research tackles real world problems faced by ICT industry and is supported by a number of key players in the industry to transition our research output to practice.
Explore the rest of website for details of sponsors and collaborators. For funded PhD positions in the AI4Networks center, collaboration and other inquires contact AI4Networks Director Prof. Ali Imran at: Ali dot Imran at OU.edu
AI4Networks Research Center is home to TurboRAN.
NEWS and Updates
Copyright Disclaimer: Personal use of the downloadable material provided on this page is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the pertinent copyright holder. For latest publications please see: Google Scholar Profile.
Book Chapters:
Peer Reviewed Conference Papers:
January, 2020
Congratulations to Haneya Naeem Qureshi
--Congratulations to Haneya Naeem Qureshi, She started the Year 2020 with a well deserved 1st Position along with $500 Cash Prize in "3 Minute Thesis" competition held at University of Oklahoma. Thanks for making us proud through your hard-work and dedication.
Congratulations to Hasan Farooq
--Congratulations to Hasan Farooq for acceptance of his paper titled "Mobility Prediction based Proactive Dynamic Network Orchestration for Load Balancing with QoS Constraint (OPERA)” in IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2020.
November, 2019
--Prof. Imran to give keynote at IEEE 2nd International workshop on Data Driven Intelligence for Networks and Systems workshop at Infocom 2020, April 27-30, Beijing, China.
October, 2019
--Dr. Imran to deliver a keynote titled 'How AI can transform the way mobile networks are deployed, operated, managed and maintained' at AI World, Boston, USA.
--Dr. Imran to give a panel talk titled 'AI for 5G and Beyond' at AI World, Boston, USA.
Congratulations to Marvin Manalastas
--Congratulations to Marvin Manalastas for acceptance of the paper titled "Where to Go Next?: A Realistic Evaluation of AI-Assisted Mobility Predictors for HetNet” in IEEE 17th Annual Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC), Las Vegas, Jan, 2020.
Congratulations to Morgan Hartmann
--Congratulations to Morgan Hartmann for acceptance of the paper titled "Distilled Deep Learning Based Abnormal Heart Beat Classification using ECG Data through a low cast edge device” in Fourth International Workshop on ICT Solutions for Health (ICTS4eHealth'19), Barcelona, Jun, 2019.
September, 2019
--AI4Networks Research Center has received a new NSF award of $750k for a collaborative project on next generation AI enabled lean, elastic and agile network design. The project is titled SpiderNET: Spectrally Efficient and Energy Efficient Data Aided Demand Driven Elastic Architecture for Future Networks
--Dr. Imran to give a half day invited workshop on "AI-based Deep Automation in Emerging Networks" to executives and R&D team of Samsung America at Dallas Campus, Sept 5, 2019
Congratulations to Asad Zaidi
--Congratulations to Asad Zaidi for joining Sprint Telecommunications for Fall 2019.
Congratulations to Dr. Hasan Farooq
--Congratulations to Dr. Hasan Farooq for joining Ericsson, Santa Clara as AI Researcher.
Congratulations to Shruti Bothe
--Congratulations to Shruti Bothe for joining Ericsson, Santa Clara as Data Scientist.
Congratulations to Morghan Hartmann
--Congratulations to Morghan Hartmann for acceptance of the paper titled "Edge computing in smart health care systems: Review, challenges, and research directions” in Transaction on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies, 2019.
Congratulations to Ahmad Asghar
--Congratulations to Ahmad Asghar for acceptance of the paper titled "Leveraging mobility and content caching for proactive load balancing in heterogeneous cellular networks” in Transactions on emerging telecommunications technologies, 2019.
Congratulations to Umair Hashmi
--Congratulations to Umair Hashmi for acceptance of the paper titled "Towards Real-time User QoE assessment via Machine Learning on LTE network data” in IEEE 90th Vehicular Technology Conference: VTC2019-Fall, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, September 2019.
August, 2019
--AI4Networks Research Center welcomes Muhammad Sajid Riaz and Waseem Raza, Graduate Research Assistant and PhD candidate, to its family.
--AI4Networks Research Center welcomes Aneeqa Ijaz and Muhammad Umar Bin Farooq, Fulbright Scholar and PhD candidate, to its family.
Congratulations to Umair Hashmi
----Congratulations to Umair Hashmi for his appointment as Assistant Professor in School of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science (SEECS), NUST, Islamabad, Pakistan.
--Haneya Naeem successfully completed her experimental data gathering campaign at 5GIC Testbed, Surrey, UK. The data gathered in this campaign is going to enable a new level of cross validation of the theoretical and simulation based results produced in the AI4Networks Research Center.
Congratulations to Usama Masood
--Congratulations to Usama Masood for acceptance of the paper titled "A Machine Learning based 3D Propagation Model for Intelligent Future Cellular Networks,” in 2019 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), Waikoloa, USA, Dec. 2019.
June, 2019
--Dr. Imran to give an invited talk titled 'AI Based Zero Touch Deep Automation: Some Novel Solutions and Promising Results' at Samsung Networks, Partners' Day, June 18th, 2019, Mt. View, California.
Congratulations to Umair Hashmi
--Congratulations to Umair Hashmi for successfully defending his PhD dissertation.
--Umair Hashmi, a recent graduate from the AI4NETWORKS Research Center and OU Tulsa's first Fulbright graduate was featured in OU Inside.
May, 2019
--Dr. Imran received 2019 Spring William H. Barkow Presidential Professorship award.
Keynote at 5G NA
--Dr. Imran to deliver a keynote at 5G North America, Denver, Colorado on 8th May, 2019.
--Congratulations to Asad Zaidi for being offered an internship position in Shenandoah Telecommunications Company (Shentel).
Congratulations to Marvin
--Congratulations to Marvin for being offered an internship position in Shenandoah Telecommunications Company (Shentel).
--Dr. Imran to give the keynote in Shanghai, China at IEEE ICC 2019 workshop on Data Driven Intelligence for Networks and Systems (DDINS).
Congratulations to Ahmad Asghar
--Congratulations to Ahmad Asghar for acceptance of his conference paper titled "Outage Detection for Millimeter Wave Ultra-Dense HetNets in High Fading Environments" in IEEE ICC, 2019.
Congratulations to Hasan Farooq
--Congratulations to Hasan Farooq on acceptance of his research paper "AI empowered Smart User Association in LTE Relays HetNets" in IEEE ICC, 2019.
Congratulations to Hasan Farooq and Hana
--Congratulations to Hasan Farooq and Hana on acceptance of their research paper "What Machine Learning Predictor Performs Best for Mobility Prediction in Cellular Networks?" in IEEE ICC, 2019.
Congratulations to Marvin and Haneya
--Congratulations to Marvin and Haneya for securing 1st and 2nd position in 2019 OU-Tulsa ECE research meetings.
April, 2019
Congratulations to Asad Zaidi
--Congratulations to Asad Zaidi for securing summer internship at MobileComm Professionals Inc.
Congratulations to Marvin Manalastas
--Congratulations to Marvin for securing summer internship at MobileComm Professionals Inc.
Congratulations to Umair Hashmi
--Congratulations to Umair Hashmi for securing summer internship at Bell Labs HQ, New Jersey.
Congratulations to Haneya
--Congratulations to Haneya Qureshi for securing second position in poster competition in OU-Tulsa Research Forum.
--Dr. Imran, to give a keynote address titled "AI for Channel Characterization and Propagation Modelling" in international workshop on “AI for MARIE: are there New Research Opportunities?”, April 16th, 2019, Duisburg, Germany.
March, 2019
Congratulations to Shruti
--Congratulations to Shruti for acceptance of the paper 'Which statistical distribution best characterizes modern cellular traffic and what factors could predict its spatio-temporal variability?,' in IEEE Communications Letters, March, 2019.
February, 2019
Congratulations to Haneya
--Congratulations to Haneya for acceptance of the paper 'Optimal bin width for autonomous coverage estimation using MDT reports in the presence of user positioning error,' in IEEE Communications Letters, February 2019.
December, 2018
--Dr. Imran, to give an invited talk at RAN USA, Dec 3th .
Congratulations to Ahmad Asghar
--Congratulations to Ahmad Asghar for successfully defending his PhD thesis.
Congratulations to Ahmad Asghar
--Congratulations to Ahmad Asghar for getting job offer from Microsoft.
IEEE Globecom conference
--AI4Networks to present 4 conference papers in IEEE Globecom, Dubai.
--Dr. Imran to give keynote at 12th international conference on open source system and technologies, Lahore, Pakistan.
Congratulations to Haneya
--Congratulations to Haneya for receiving OU-Tulsa scholarship for spring 2019 semester.
Congratulations to Shruti
--Congratulations to Shruti for receiving OU-Tulsa scholarship for spring 2019 semester.
Congratulations to Haneya Qureshi
--Congratulations to Haneya Qureshi for acceptance of the paper titled "On the Trade-offs between Coverage Radius, Altitude and Beamwidth for Practical UAV Deployments", in IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems.
November 2018
Congratulations to Hasan Farooq
--Congratulations to Hasan Farooq for successfully defending his PhD thesis.
AI4Networks Research Center Retreat
--AI4Networks team had a fun day out at Main Event, Tulsa and then celebrated Hasan's graduation at a local restaurant. For photos, click here.
October, 2018
Ahmad Asghar featured in Nokia Bell Labs podcast
--Congrats Ahmad Asghar for being interviewed for Nokia Bell Labs podcast. Click here to listen.
September 2018
Congratulations to Hasan Farooq
--Congratulations to Hasan Farooq for being awarded the Gallogly College Dissertation Excellence Award (DEA) and a reward of 5,000$.For photos, click here.
Congratulations to Umair Hashmi
--Congratulations to Umair Hashmi for joining Nokia Bell Labs as a Machine Learning Wireless Coop.
Congratulations to Ben Hughes and Shruti Bothe
--Congratulations to Ben and Shruti for acceptance of their paper 'Generative Adversarial Learning for Machine Learning empowered Self Organizing 5G Networks' in IEEE International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC 2019), Hawaii, Feb. 2019.
August, 2018
--Dr. Imran to give an invited talk at Summer school on “Intelligent Communications Network” hosted by LUMS, Lahore, Pakistan, Aug 6-9, 2018..
July 2018
Congratulations to Umair Hashmi
--Congratulations to Umair Hashmi for acceptance of paper titled Towards user QoE-Centric elastic cellular networks: A game theoretic framework for optimizing throughput and energy efficiency in IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), 2018.
Congratulations to Umar Farooq
--Congratulations to Umair for acceptance of paper titled User transmit power minimization through uplink resource allocation and user association in HetNets in IEEE Global Communications Conference: Green Communications Systems and Networks (Globecom 2018 GCSN), 2018.
Congratulations to Haneya Qureshi
--Congratulations to Haneya Qureshi for acceptance of paper titled Towards Designing Systems with Large Number of Antennas for Range Extension in Ground-to-Air Communications in IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), 2018.
Congratulations to Hasan Farooq
--Congratulations to Hasan Farooq for acceptance of paper titled Mobility Prediction based Autonomous Proactive Energy Saving (AURORA) Framework for Emerging Ultra-Dense Networks in IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking, 2018.
Congratulations to Hassan Farooq
--Congratulations to Hassan Farooq for acceptance of paper titled Mobility Prediction empowered Proactive Energy Saving Framework for 5G Ultra-Dense HetNets in IEEE Global Communications Conference: Green Communications Systems and Networks (Globecom 2018 GCSN), 2018.
Congratulations to Usama Masood
--Congratulations to Usama Masood for acceptance of paper titled Deep learning based detection of sleeping cells in next generation cellular networks in IEEE Global Communications Conference: Communication QoS, Reliability and Modeling (Globecom2018 CQRM), Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, Dec. 2018.
June, 2018
--Dr. Imran to deliver a keynote at a national conference on AI for wireless hosted by A1 Telecom on 25th June, 2018.
May, 2018
AI4Networks Research Center at ICC 2018
--AI4Networks Research Center attended IEEE ICC 2018 conference in Kansas city. For photos, click here.
Congrats to Ahmad & Hassan
--Congratulations to Ahmad Asghar and Hasan Farooq for acceptance of their paper “Concurrent Optimization of Coverage, Capacity and Load Balance in HetNets through Soft and Hard Cell Association Parameters” in IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology.
Keynote at 5G North America
--Dr. Imran to deliver a keynote at 5G North America, Austin, TX on 15th May, 2018.
April, 2018
Congrats to Azar Taufique
--Congratulations to Azar Taufique for successfully defending his PhD thesis.
Journal Publication
--Congratulations to Azar Taufique and Hassan Farooq for acceptance of their paper "Analytical Modelling for Mobility Signalling in Ultra-Dense HetNets" in IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology.
--Dr. Imran to give keynote at T-Mobile Headquarter, Seattle, WA on 16th April, 2018.
--Dr. Imran awarded The University of Oklahoma VPR award for outstanding international impact through research and creative work..
Keynote at ATT
--Dr. Imran to deliver a keynote at ATT, Silicon Valley on 17th April, 2018.
Congrats to Haneya
--Congratulations to Haneya Qureshi for securing first and second price in poster competition in OU-Tulsa Research Forum and IEEE Tulsa Section Poster contest respectively.
Congrats to Azar and Asad
--Congratulations to Azar and Asad for standing third in poster presentation in OU-Tulsa Research Forum.
Congrats to Azar Taufique
--Congratulations to Azar Taufique for being selected as youngest IEEE Comsoc technical instructor.
March, 2018
Journal Publication
--A journal paper on User-Centric Cloud RAN: An Analytical framework for Optimizing Area Spectral and Energy Efficiency accepted in IEEE Access.
Congrats to Umair
--Congratulations to Umair Hashmi for securing summer internship at Bell Labs HQ, New Jersey.
Conference Publication
--Congratulations to Umair Hashmi for acceptance of paper titled On the Efficiency tradeoffs in User-Centric Cloud RAN in IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 2018.
Congrats to Azar
--Congratulations to Azar Taufique for getting job offers from Amazon, Sprint and Samsung.
Congrats to Ahmad
--Congratulations to Ahmad Asghar and Hasan Farooq for acceptance of their paper "Self-Healing in Emerging Cellular Networks: Review, Challenges and Research Directions" in IEEE Communication Surveys and Tutorials.
Congrats to Azar
--Congratulations to Azar Taufique for being hired by Amazon as Program Manager.
December, 2017
Keynote at ICOSST 2017
--Dr. Imran to give keynote at 11th international conference on open source system and technologies, Dec 18-20, Lahore, Pakistan.
Lecture Series | ITU, 2017
--Dr. Imran to give invited lecture series at ITU 2017, Lahore. The series is sponsored by HEC and ITU, Pakistan.
November, 2017
Journal Acceptance
--A journal paper on big data analytics based proactive energy efficiency solution accepted in Transactions on Mobile computing.
October, 2017
Invited Talk
--Dr. Imran, to give an invited talk at RAN USA, Dec 4th, Silicon Valley, USA .
September, 2017
Journal Acceptance
--A journal paper on mmWave uplink capacity and energy efficiency analysis accepted in IEEE Transaction on Vehicular Technology.
August, 2017
Hasan Farooq's award at IEEE Green ICT
--AI4Networks team member Hasan Farooq’s work won first prize in global competition for best solution to enable Green ICT held by IEEE.
The competing received proposals proposal from 30+ countries. He received the award at IEEE Green ICT Summit held in Paris, France on 3rd October 2017.
Research grant approved for 3-year project
--AI4Networks Research Center receives $5,00,000 award from NSF on proactive mobility management in future multi-tier, multi-band ultra dense wireless networks.
Paper presentation
--Congratulations to Sinasi and Umair for acceptance of their paper in IEEE PIMRC 2017.
Read article
Paper presentation
--Congratulations to Ahmad and Hasan for acceptance of their paper in IEEE PIMRC 2017.
Read article
Research grant approved for 2-year project
--AI4Networks Research Center receives $10,00,000 award from NSF for developing TurboRAN
--Dr. Imran to present a tutorial titled “LEAP for IoT” at IEEE PIMRC 2017 being held in Toronto.
July, 2017
Congrats to Arsalan
--Arsalan Darbandi successfully defended his MS thesis titled “LARGE-SCALE DATA PROCESSING FOR DETECTING ACTIVITY ZONES IN MILAN”.
June, 2017
Congrats to Hasan
--Congratulations to Hasan Farooq for securing internship at Phazr.
Congrats to Hasan
--Congratulations to Hasan Farooq for being selected to participate in IEEE ComSoc Summer School 2014 held at University of New Mexico.
Lecture Series | 5G Technology
--Join us at OU-Tulsa Campus for an inspiring 5G Technology Lecture Series brought to you by AI4Networks Research Center@OU.
More informationMay, 2017
Congrats to Umair
--Congratulations to Umair Hashmi for securing second internship at AT&T Big Data Foundry, Dallas.
Congrats to Azar
--Congratulations to Azar Taufique for the best presentation award at the TCOM Research Meeting.
Congrats to Hassan
--Congratulations to Hassan Farooq for the best presentation award, and for scoring highest in the past decade at the TCOM Research Meeting.
April, 2017
Workshop at ComTech-2017
--Prof. Imran to present a tutorial titled “LEAP for IoT - Lean, Elastic, Agile and Proactive (LEAP) Wireless Networks for Enabling the Future IoT”, at the International Conference on Communications Technologies (ComTech-2017), Pakistan, 19-21 April, 2017.
Read article
Keynote at ComTech-2017
--Prof. Imran to deliver a Keynote titled "Big Data Empowered Self Organizing Networks, the game changing paradigm for enabling 5G", at the International Conference on Communications Technologies (ComTech-2017), Pakistan, 19-21 April, 2017.
Read article
Graduate Award Luncheon 2017
--AI4Networks Research Center's member Azar Taufique got 1st prize in two categories: Best Poster presentation and Video presentation.
February, 2017
Tutorial at IEEE ICC 2017
--Prof. Imran to present a tutorial titled “LEAP for IoT - Lean, Elastic, Agile and Proactive (LEAP) Wireless Networks for Enabling the Future IoT”, at 2017 IEEE ICC, Paris, 21-25 May, 2017.
Read moreJanuary, 2017
Paper presentation
--AI4Networks team members Umair and Arsalan presented a paper titled “Enabling Proactive Self-Healing by Data Mining Network Failure Logs”at ICNC 2017 Technical Program.
December, 2016
Congrats to Sachin
--Sachin Daware successfully defended his MS thesis titled “Big Data Analytics solution for Small Cell Deployment Using Machine Learning Techniques”.
October, 2016
Prof. Imran to present a half day tutorial titled “CDSA and BSON: The Two Key Enablers of Lean, Elastic and Proactive Wireless Networks Needed for Future IoT”, at 2016 IEEE 3rd World Forum on Internet of Things, Washington DC, 12-14 Dec, 2016.
July, 2016
Research grant approved for 3-year project
--New research support of $500K for project titled “Designing Agile and Scalable Self-Healing Functionalities for Ultra Dense Future Cellular Networks” by National Science Foundation.
Read more
New team
--Four under grad and High School students joined the group as internees, as part of STEM outreach program at AI4Networks Research Center.
June, 2016
Congrats to Salik
--MD Salik Pervaiz successfully defended his MS thesis titled “Dynamic User-centric Spectral Efficiency Maximization by Optimizing Antenna Parameters”.
Invited Talk
--Invited talk at big data foundry AT&T Labs, Dallas.
Research grant approved for 3-year project
--New research support of $249K for project titled “Enabling ultra-dense future cellular networks” by National Science Foundation.
Read more
Journal Publication
--New journal article “A multi-objective performance modelling framework for enabling self-optimization of cellular network topology and configurations” published.
Read articleMay, 2016
Congrats to Prasad
--Prasad Kuppurangan successfully defended his MS project titled “Small Cell Deployment for Next Generation Cellular Networks Using Control and Data Plane Separation Architecture”.
February, 2016
Invited Talk
--Invited talk at Booker T. Washington High School Tulsa, OK.
Journal Publication
--New journal article “Control-Data Separation Architecture for Cellular Radio Access Networks: A Survey and Outlook” published.
Read articleJanuary, 2016
Invited Talk
--Invited talk at RAN USA Industrial Forum, San Francisco, USA, 26-27-Jan-2016.
Journal Publication
--New journal article “How Reliable is MDT Based Autonomous Coverage Estimation in the Presence of User and BS Positioning Error” published.
Read articleMay, 2015
Congrats to Hassan
--Congratulations to Hassan Farooq for the best presentation award at the TCOM Research Meeting.
IRES-US-UK-Enabling ultra-dense future cellular networks
ASSH-Designing Agile and Scalable Self-Healing Functionalities for Ultra Dense Future Cellular Networks
QSON-Quality of Service Aware Energy Efficient Self Organizing Future Cellular Networks
NeTS-Designing Advanced Mobility Management and Utilization Framework for enabling mmWave Multi-Band Ultra-Dense Cellular Networks of Future
TurboRAN-State of the art testbed for enabling unprecedented experimental research on multi-band, multi-tier artificial intelligence enabled wireless networks of futureOutreach
In its effort to promote STEM education in youth and to serve the local community, AI4networks Research Center recruits outstanding local high school students as interns for a 4 to 12-week internship every year. Interns are assigned short research projects designed to suit interns’ interest and skill level. In addition to being closely guided by Prof. Ali Imran, on day to day basis each intern works closely with at least one senior Ph.D. researcher in AI4Networks Research Center, who mentors the intern throughout his/her tenure at the AI4Networks Research Center. Such close interaction with some of the smartest people working on the topic of internship project facilitates quick learning and successful completion of the project. The whole internship experience is closely supervised by AI4Networks director Prof. Ali Imran. The aim of this outreach program is to expose students to STEM career pathways in general and telecommunications engineering and its applications, and future prospects in real life in particular. The projects are designed to inspire interest within the participants for exploring and pursuing STEM careers and research in their future professional life. In spite of its short duration, this exciting opportunity is bound to provide interns a lot of valuable and rich exposure to future of wireless communications, while working in a multicultural environment that features international and national industrial and academic collaborations.
2016 session Interns:
- Fares Hejjo Alrefai
Booker T. Washington High School, Selected at the University of Tulsa. - Rhea Hanks
Booker T. Washington High School, Selected at the University of Oklahoma. - Hsinhui Li
Booker T. Washington High School, Selected at Rice University. - Yash Kumar
Booker T. Washington High School.
If you are a high school or undergraduate student with the strong academic track record in math, physics, or computer science, and this opportunity sounds interesting to you then send your resume to AI4Networks Research Center director Dr. Ali Imran at ali dot imran at ou.edu with subject title “AI4Networks Research Center internships".
Sponsors / Collaborators